
Discover a book that can help you meet Empty Nest with love.

Empty Nest: One Mother’s Journey was written by mother and author Anne Meckstroth Menter to chronicle the emotional transition during the early years of Empty Nest. Through poetry, diary excerpts, quotations and the visual expressions of artist Taz Phillips, this book can also support you in exploring this important phase of life. 

This book is not a to-do list or advice book, but rather one woman’s story along with the heart-warming wisdom she found most helpful during her own journey: of children leaving and of her own arriving.

This book was a collaboration between two women.


Meet Anne, the author.

Anne Meckstroth Menter is an American mother, poet, teacher and businesswoman. Although she worked outside of the home while raising her two children, she focused much of her adult life on being a mom. When her children left for college, she found herself drifting in the change and began writing poetry to help her through the difficult emotional transition. Anne and her husband live in Central New York where they own and operate a small manufacturing business. 


Meet Taz, the artist.

Tarryn (Taz) Phillips Narain is an Australian artist, anthropologist, university professor and mother of two children. She likes being with, watching and writing about people. When time permits, she draws and paints. 

taz test.jpg

“I want this book to be a reassurance that it is okay to feel sad now. We can learn to uncover new joy as we center around the journey and possibilities of life’s changes.”

— Anne Meckstroth Menter


What People Are Saying


“This book touches each mother who is anticipating an empty nest or is experiencing one. Anne gives empathy, encouragement, and hope to the lost feeling that so many mothers have when their roles are changed, almost overnight.”

— Pat M. (Amazon Review)

“Anne's experiences as an ‘empty nester’ touched my heart and soul. Her poetic and heartfelt ability to describe her feelings resonated with much of what I have been experiencing as our children have used the ‘wings’ we gave them…Although written from a mother's perspective, my husband also found it to be an amazing book. ”

— Catherine C. (Amazon Review)

“I was deeply touched by reading Anne's experiences. My daughter will soon be leaving for college, and I could relate to so many of the feelings Anne shares with the reader. The artwork was wonderful.”

— Amazon Review

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